Content Development

We all have a story to tell.

Some of us know how to tell it, and some don't.

Copy Writing (sometimes called Content Writing) is our primary focus. Over the last 17 years, we've helped small businesses and non-profits move minds with projects related to:

ONLINE MARKETING: Website Content, Blogs, Online Advertising, and Social Media Programs

PRINT MARKETING: Direct Mail, White Papers, Catalogs, Brochures, Postcards, Press Releases

MEDIA MARKETING: TV & Radio Advertising Scripts

Make Your Words Matter: Contact us Today.


Look Who's Talking:

Each of us has a story to tell that inspires and moves others to action. Our businesses are no different. Linda has an amazing gift in helping extract and communicate that story. Whether you're selling widgets or an intimate and complex service, she will help you find the story that touches, moves, and inspires.

(Preston True, TruePoint Advisors)



Look Who's Talking:

What’s distinctive about Linda (besides being a fabulous writer) is that she demands that WE comply with the agreement we made and get feedback to her on time. No one has ever been able to do that before. She’s become a true partner. As a writer, she communicates on a level that’s even bigger than what we say. Linda has a very rare talent.

(Diane Putvin, DL Consulting)